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Readathon – Our experience of the reading challenge

Who has time to read a book nowadays? Next to university and working we barely have time to sit down and relax. It is even harder to find some quiet time when you can truly dedicate yourself to get lost in a book, without the distractions of the world. So we decided to forcefully create a time like that. We challenged ourselves to spend a whole day reading, and this is how it went.

Trending Classics Season 2.

You read it right. Trending Classics are back with Season 2 to give you six more stories to binge-read! Can you guess all of them based on their descriptions?

Recommended for you: Trending classics

You have heard of them. You were supposed to read them, but you got away with a trusty summary from Gradesaver – if you just had more time, maybe you would have skimmed through the whole thing, but it was almost 500 pages. Who are you fooling, you were never going to read it.

What Stephen King taught me about writing – A review of On Writing

Have you ever imagined someone famous teaching you about your hobby? How amazing it would be if you could listen to them describe their method, their way of thinking? For example, if you could ask Monet how he chose his colours, or get Rodain to explain to you how he made the faces of his sculptures so expressive? Well, reading ‘On Writing, a Memoir of the Craft’ by Stephen King is a bit like that.